Below are a selection of forms you can download. The are saved in (.pdf) format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and above to open and print them.
You can Download Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking on the following link:
Change of registered office address.
Appointment of director (NOT for Termination (use Form TM01)
Appointment of corporate director
Appointment of secretary (NOT for Termination (use Form TM02)
Appointment of corporate secretary
Terminating appointment as a director
Terminating appointment as a secretary
Application for company to be struck off the register.
Form P46. This is the form to complete if you do not have a P45. Please complete section one and then hand back the form to your present employer. If you later receive a form P45 from your previous employer, please hand it to your present employer.
Value Added Tax (VAT) – Application for registration
Value Added Tax (VAT) – Request for Transfer of a Registration number
Value Added Tax (VAT) – Application to cancel your VAT Registration